We don't want a lot of noise, but have long periods of silence and intense periods when we debate some subject. Most of us have some small business in the Linux area, some bigger some smaller.
You are welcome to listen in, and if you believe you can contribute you are welcome to do so. But please do some research in the archives first!
If you feel there should be something more said here, please send the text or the comments you had in mind to Leif Erlingsson <leif@lege.com> .
30 Oct 1996 10:28:35 GMT the creation of linux-biz@lege.com was first announced at comp.os.linux.announce like so:
Questions this lists intend to deal with or has dealt with include... * How does one insure the maintenance, longevity, widespread support, and continued enhancements of the product? * What is effective business computing ? And how might you go about it ? * Allen Francomsays... Let me start by saying, business solutions are most effective when, rather than buying something off the shelf, you look at the requirements, immediate, and long term, and then design and implement the appropriate solution. (See where that gets us...) And for example, I am aware of many businesses that have nothing but dumb terminals and generic text printers, and they are quite profitable and successful. (Because they don't need Windows ?, Because they don't have Windows ?, Because they designed the right solution to their exact problem ? ) * Mark Hamstra says... This is one of the most significant underappreciated facts of business computing: A solution that does just what you want and nothing more (with the exception of providing a flexible future expansion path) is often a much more productive and affordable solution than a 'more powerful/state-of-the-art' solution. ... the biggest problem with complete Windows-based PCs on every desktop is the mind boggling support and administrative costs associated with this setup. If you can get the job done with dumb terminals and a couple of centralized servers, then by all means do so: you'll save enormous amounts of time and money over the long haul. Similarly, if you can get the job done with X terminals or PCs converted to Linux-based X terminals, do it: not only will you save money on initial hardware and software purchase costs, but you will also save long term on administrative costs, see potentially better performance than the 'Windows on every desktop' approach, and have much better options for future expansions as your needs change. Many of the same issues that are driving the push toward simple Network Computers at the personal level also apply to business computing. Stated quite simply and bluntly: Windows PCs on everydesktop is not an optimal solution. * Alan Shutko says... This may be the strongest point in favor of free (ie, source available) software. You _cannot_ ensure that a company will continue to maintain, support, etc software. Many people have been stuck when a company ceased to support software which they depend on. On the other hand if you have source, you can maintain it yourself or pay someone else to do so (ie, Cygnus). It then ceases to be "no-cost" software, but it is still free in terms of licensing and source. This list was born off the RedHat list, but is *not* confined to any particular flavor of Linux.
If you feel there should be some other link here, please contact Leif Erlingsson <leif@lege.com> .
Write to linux-biz-request@lege.com Make *SURE* the subject line reads (the body is ignored): (un)subscribe ***YOUR***EMail linux-biz@lege.com Examples: subscribe verysmart@canread.com linux-biz@lege.com unsubscribe verysmart@canread.com linux-biz@lege.com
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Updated February 1, 1999